
Software wrapper programs
Software wrapper programs

more » file server, domain name server, email server) for better situational awareness of potential threats to the network. Using the network flow data, already collected by most enterprises, we developed a tool that enables analysts to automatically detect/classify services and roles of every machine that’s operating on a network (e.g. Understanding the roles of the systems in the network provides analysts with a situational awareness that will allow them to detect consequential changes in the network, initiate an incident response plan, and optimize their security posture. file server, domain name server, email server).

software wrapper programs

In a large enterprise it is difficult for cyber security analysts to know what services and roles every machine on the network is performing (e.g. Automatic generation of spreadsheet compatible files containing summary information for waveforms is also supported. There is also the capability of writing ASCII data files suitable for use by other plotting programs.

software wrapper programs

This format is highly compressed, self-encoded, and easily transportable across the Internet. Data are saved using the hierarchical Data Format (HDF) from the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. Flexible printing to PostScript printers is supported as are both local and networked printers. A variety of image processing capabilities are available such as mirroring around various axes, rotating through arbitrary angles, histogram equalization, Lee filtering, Roberts and Sobel edge enhancement algorithms and creating waveforms consisting of line-out profiles of images. In addition to most of the waveform capabilities, xdamp can manipulate images in both space and amplitude. Audit trails are maintained on each waveform.


Annotation can be added to each waveform and the overall file so that the data contains full documentation. Some advanced features included are: the ability to compare waveforms in time and amplitude, the ability to generate high-frequence cable compensators, both integration and differentiation of waveforms, Fourier transforms of waveforms, and automatic execution of macros. xdamp can manipulate waveforms both in time and in amplitude. xdamp has a full internal language for creating macros useful for repetitive data reduction and analysis. Portability to all of these platforms has been verified. IDL is currently supported on the macintosh, alpha computers, Windows-based computers, and on virtually all UNIX platforms. The entire program is written inthe IDL macro language to enhance portability. xdamp uses the Interactive Data Language (IDL) from Research Systems, Inc., a Xerox company, as the processing engine. Data are saved using the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) from the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. xdamp supports full audit trail information on each waveform. Annotation can be added to each waveform and/or image and the overall file so that the data contains full documentation. Standard electrical engineering quantities (maximum, minimum, fully-width-at-half-maximum, rise-time, more » mean, standard deviation) are calculated for each waveform and automatically displayed. When manipulating images, the spatial dimensions are maintained as important data. Typical operations are: time shifting, truncating before or after a specific time, adding, multiplying, integrating, and averaging. A typical single data set from these applications will generate ~ 100 time-dependent waveforms and possibly a few images.

software wrapper programs

time) and images (usually digitized radiographic film or digital camera outputs)that are typical of electrical engineering applications. Xdamp is a graphical user interface (GUI) designed to allow the user to manipulate two-dimensional waveforms (data vs.

Software wrapper programs